Census Data 1841-1911
Census data 1841-1911 research by Michael Marchant. These lists were compiled using copies of the original census enumeration sheets for the Parish of Bradmore between 1841 and 1911. For each census the enumerator had to compile a schedule or list of dwellings in the village and then he had to list every person present in each household on the day of the census.
On the lists there are two columns for each census. The first shows the schedule number which can be used to work out the approximate route taken round the village by the enumerator and the second column gives the name, age, and occupation of the head of household. Those highlighted in green are farmers and cottagers and those highlighted in yellow are framework knitters in the hosiery industry.
The details for the 1851 Census are not included as on that occasion the census enumerator, Thomas Bosworth, listed the households in alphabetical order rather than by the route he took round the village to compile his schedule and so it is a lot harder to locate where the dwellings may have been in 1851.